25 July 2018

Day twenty five Cheney State park, KS to Oklahoma City - 195 miles

Our final day for the RV trip. We finished with an easy day mileage wise, crossing into our final state. Amanda called me the night before to inform me that all of our stuff would be arriving on the Wednesday, the sooner I could get there the better. 
We rolled out of camp a little after 7am and after a slight navigation error whilst trying to get fuel everything went smoothly. 
We made it to Oklahoma!

We made to home at 11am and unpacked Baby Grootso  as to put him into storage. The rest of our day was filled with counting boxes and continuing to make our house a home. At the moment there are lots of boxes, everywhere.  
The trip down has been a fun one with lots of interesting things to see on the way. It has been fascinating to see how the US and Canada changed as we drove along. It has gotten warmer as we headed south with lots more people. Obviously if you drive almost 6,000 miles you would expect a few close calls on the road, the only incident we experienced was a pair of suicidal deer in Nebraska, we didn't hit them. All other road users seemed to be really great when we were on the road. 
We are looking forward to a little time off the road for now, however I'm excited to do more exploring in Baby Groot soon.

Trip Stats 

Total miles 5927
Bear count 
13 black 
0 brown

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your journey. Now, about unpacking those boxes.....
